Healing Tao Summer Retreat

It doesnot matter if we know the healing TAO practice already or not, in the time of a retreat we can deepening something in ourself.

The contact to ourself and our inner core, our spirituel practice. We can get more aware about where we are standing inside and where we want to continue. What does we want to let go for a better moving forward? What does we want to clear, for being more intuned?

Very often the daily life gives us not so much space to go deeper into the practice and being deep intimate with our self. A retreat time is a very special gift to us, diving deep into ourself.

The taoism is teaching intensvie about the five elements in us: metal, water, wood, fire and earth. The so called five Shen (spirits) are living in our inner organs and having equivalences to our body and mind, as also to the nature around us (directions, planets, seasons a.s.o.). A deep diving in the teachings and the pracitices of the Healing TAO can give us a new understanding about our “issues” and “patterns”.

One of the basic practice is the meditation of the inner Smile. There we are going with a loving awareness to our inner organs, the five Shen. When wir are really in touch with the five Shen, can we feel a connection to the elements in the nature around us and we can feel the cosmic flow in us. Connected with the forces of heaven and earth, it is easier to stay centered in our daily life.

Since more than 30 years I have retreat - times in my life. Is it a personal contemplation in a monastary, a self - experiencing seminar to a suject or an intensive guided retreat in a group with a taoist teacher. A retreat is a special time for each of us. This experience I share as a Universal Healing TAO instructor in my retreats.

Actual there are two planed retreats each year. One retreat is hold at Haus Lichtquell in the black forest (www.lichtquell.de) in the autumn with different practice (2021: Selflove and authenticity, 2022: Healing the anchester line). The other one is around Chinese new year hold in Berlin about the Fusion 1-3 Practice and Lesser Kan & Li. You can find all retreats in the seminar calender.